venerdì 5 febbraio 2010

Contributi letterari


This is the story of Mr.Intent

Lasts a short time and it never unravels

Do you want me to tell you that ?

Or do you want it me to say ?

Tell me,brother,tell me that

It is never said "tell me that"

Because this is the story of Mr. Intent

Lasts a short time and it never untangles

Do you want me to say you that ?

Or do you want it me to tell ?

Say it to me, brother, say it to me

Pretty little hand,seems like someone

painted you with a brush

pretty little hand shaped in a kitten tail

Circle circle around

and the World is coming down

Pretty little hand

Where have you been ?

To my grandmother

And what did you eat ?

Bread and milk ,tsk tsk tsk

Circle circle around

and the Earth is falling down

circle circle around

Everybody’s on the ground

Perfect is the Silence

Because the Devil is in bed

And it’s trying to eats its candy

But the candy is too strong

This is the story of Mr.Intent

Lasts a short time and it never unravels

Do you want me to tell you that ?

Or do you want it me to say ?

Potrebbe essere il testo per una canzone stile folk inglese medievale ? O country ? comunque semi-acustica, dalle atmosfere rarefatte ? Prog-rock anni '70 (vedi Rush)? O semplicemente  "so drio strassarla" ?

4 commenti:

  1. Beppekin xe un vulcano (chissà che el copa i mussati)!
    Propongo una strofa aggiuntiva (stile irlandese):
    Pub number seven
    the Germans catch a priest
    Scorse a parte, pensiamoci.

  2. I would suggest:

    Hump your mother, hump your father
    Hump the daughter of your sister
    She was hump too (like a blister)

  3. My mate Little James
    Owned a Little Cock
    When it sings it opens its beak
    Everybody falls in love with it.

  4. Notevoli i contributi ulteriori,grazie.
    Pensavo a modificare Mr.Intent in Lord Intent, piu' medioevo, tipo ultimo album di Sting.
    Con i gobbetti, galletti e tutto il resto !
